Sunday, March 30, 2008

Life's decision

Recently, I read a blog of a young star who currently a young mom. She wrote a post about what she has done and what she fell about it. She confesses that what is done and is done and she never regrets any single decision she had made. As you can see in our generations, single young moms are now increasing, that is it means that we really follows American tradition? But these young women are the unexpected women to have this kind of life, I mean who can imagine as popular as Eda, Jennelyn, Valerie, Camille etc are pregnant in such a young age. I think it’s a matter of choice in life. My best friend also experienced this flavor of life, before she was pregnant I think we were 1st yr college, she desperately wanted to be a mom even if her partner would not support her. I asked her why? She answered me, “I want a baby and that’s all I ever wanted in my life, I want to be a mom!”. Well, they said that they’re partner use male enhancement products like penis stretcher and penis enlargement pills and that makes pleasure more fun and exciting.

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